Other Therapies

Bereavement Counselling

No need to carry bereavement forever, although grief is a natural and understandable state, often we hold it longer than is healthy. I will endeavour to assist you to find positive approaches to the passing and work with you to move forwards in your life.
Learn more.

Colour Therapy

Did you realise how colour can affect our lives and how we can utilise its many properties to help improve our general well-being?
Learn more.

Homecoming Soldiers

Helping homecoming heroes re-adapt to life after the stresses and trauma of military duty is one of the services the National Council for Hypnotherapists can offer.
Learn more.

Past Life Regression

Ever wondered why your life might not be working in the way you might prefer?

It is widely believed that one can potentially bring forth habits and behaviours from a former existence. Have you a sense that you are carrying negative energy without knowledge regarding the reason? Our Past Lives may hold the key.
Learn more.